Business Continuity & Recovery

Business Continuity & Recovery

The continuity challenge

Your organization’s IT infrastructure is now a critical resource as critical as financial or human resources. It must be obvious that you are never immune to a massive disruption of your information systems following a disaster, which will certainly result in loss of means of production, or worse, The loss of data with nightmarish consequences: failure to respond to your customers’ requests, delays in orders, unfulfilled delivery times, termination of contracts, loss of confidence, disappointed and angry shareholders, And loss of reputation often impossible to restore. This kind of event does not just happen to others. In specialist circles, we often say:

« There are two types of organizations: those that have suffered a major disaster and those who will. » Statistics from the Business Continuity Institute report that out of 100 organizations that have been hit by a disaster, 45 could not recover and 30 will disappear within the next 2 years.

Be realistic: a business continuity plan will not eliminate disaster risk for your business, but you will have made every effort to reduce the likelihood of occurrence and impact on your business. And even if you know you need to protect your business against the multitude of threats – from the “bad” server crash to the fire not to mention the massive loss of telecommunications or half of your staff is missing due to a Flu pandemic – you are probably not able to provide the resources to take care of this issue or you do not know how to deal with a problem of such complexity. RISKILIENCE can relieve you both of complexity and availability problems. It has extensive experience in countless projects in this field, in industrial groups, as well as in government and financial institutions. Our consultants have solid theoretical and practical skills supported by the corresponding certifications (Members of the Business Continuity Institute). They master the process of preparing business continuity plans covering multiple aspects of business processes, related logistics and IT resources, and crisis management. Indeed, business continuity and disaster recovery are processes that transcend purely technological issues. RISKILIENCE can help you implement the Riskontrol or Recovery Planner solutions to help you better manage your business continuity.

BCM Lifecycle

The ISO 22301 standard is a family of requirements dealing with the issue of business continuity. This standard provides a basis for understanding, developing and implementing business continuity in an organization, so as to build confidence in Business-to-Business and Business-to-Customer relationships. The ISO 22301 standard has been developed by practitioners of continuity management and is based on considerable experience in this field. The standard also allows an organization to measure its ability to implement a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS). RISKILIENCE ensures that the implementation of a continuity management program is oriented to meet the guidelines and guiding principles of ISO 22301 and internationally recognized professional practices. Unless a specific certification is targeted, the recommendations and solutions will be adapted to the reality of each client. The specific context of the client is thus taken into account at all stages of the implementation of the continuity management program by RISKILIENCE consultants. The latter can assist each client in defining the governance rules for the continuity management program that will suit the client’s organization and reality. Policy, governance rules, management principles, all these will be established to respect best practices and ensure an appropriate management framework for the continuity management program. RISKILIENCE accompanies you in the ISO 22301 certification by the implementation of a BCMS including: Risk analysis and BIA Custom solutions and strategies Development of continuity plans and procedures Awareness and Training Program Exercises and maintenance of the plan